• (Italiano) Missione di imprese e professionisti della filiera veneta delle costruzioni a Baku

    23 oktyabr 2017

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  • (Italiano) Missione di buyer del settore agroalimentare (food & beverage) dalla Georgia e Russia a Firenze

    27 iyul 2017

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  • New business mission in Azerbaijan for Bassilichi Group

    20 mart 2017

    Baku, March 2017. The Bassilichi Group has made a new business trip to Azerbaijan with the support of Ital Caspian Business Consulting. A new round of business meetings with leading banks as a follow up the trip of last November, and also to present its evolved payment solutions to new potential partners such as Azerpost and Unibank. The local context is in fact evolving with the recent entry into force of a law that severely limits cash payments for public and private companies, encouraging the use of POS and payments via bank. Over the past three years, a share of non-cash payments in Azerbaijan increased by almost four percent. The increase was achieved due to increased electronic payments in stores and retail outlets as well as online purchases. The Bassilichi Group is a leader in the evolved payments solutions through its Serbian subsidiary ArsBlue (www.arsblue.sr).

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  • The National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, in cooperation with Ital Caspian Business Consulting, organized in Baku a seminar entitled “Environmental Health. Experiences of Italy and Azerbaijan”, with the participation of Italian experts from the Institute of Health.

    31 yanvar 2017

    Baku, 26 January 2017. A day seminar organized by the prestigious National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan with the support of Ital Caspian Business Consulting, to illustrate the Italian and Azerbaijani experience in environmental health. The meeting was opened by the greeting of the Vice President of the Academy, Prof. Dilgam Taghiyev and of the Italian Ambassador, H.E. Giampaolo Cutillo. In earlier days, the Italian delegation was able to attend several important institutional meetings such as the Baku office of the World Bank, who expressed great interest in the subject of environmental health as part of its programs and projects in Azerbaijan and “Public Health and Reforms Center “(ISIM) that will officially represent the Caucasian country in a major European project (EU Cost Action) led by the Italian Institute of Health entitled “Industrially Contaminated Sites and Health Network”. More info on the website of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan.

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  • Ital Caspian supports the “Week of the Italian Language” in Baku, Azerbaijan

    26 oktyabr 2016

    Baku, October 2016. Again, this year Ital Caspian is among the main supporters of the “Week of the Italian Language in the World”.
    The “Week of the Italian Language in the World” is the event of promotion of the Italian Language, as a great language of classic and contemporary culture. Every year, the cultural and diplomatic network of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs organizes this event in the third week of October, around a theme that serves as thread for conferences, exhibitions and shows, meetings with writers and personalities.
    Founded in 2001, by an agreement between the Ministry of Foreign Affair and the Crusca Academy, under the patronage of the President of the Italian Republic, the „Week of the Language” has grown from edition to edition, involving the Italian Cultural Institute, Italian Embassies and Consulates. The collaboration with the Embassies of the Swiss Confederation, in which the Italian Language is an official language, is stable.
    The central theme of 2016 is “The Italian Language and Creativity: brands and costumes, fashion and design”.
    The Italian Embassy and the Swiss Embassy in Baku, with the support of the Azerbaycan Italiya Assosiasiyasi, promote a calendar of events aimed to introducing in Azerbaijan the richness of the Italian culture, through the concept of creativity, embracing fashion, design, music, as well as the cinema.

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  • New business trip to Baku in collaboration with Promos – Chamber of Commerce of Milan

    19 sentyabr 2016

    Baku, September 2016. As part of the activities of assistance of Promos to Italian companies of the cosmetics industry in foreign markets, a business mission to Baku of “CMI Industries” took place from 14th to 15th of September with B2B meetings organized by Ital Caspian. The Manager of CMI Industries, the Italian leading company in the design and manufacture of filling and capping machines and monoblock systems for packaging liquid, dense and dust in many industrial sectors, was able to meet over two days the major local players, from large local holdings active in the various areas of interest to CMI to companies in the cosmetics industry. All meetings were held at the level of top management and / or ownership, with the assistance of professionals from Ital Caspian and the interpreter. Ital Caspian has also taken care of the transport services on site for the Italian company.

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  • Qədim italyan markası ROSACOMETTA Ital Caspian ilə Azərbaycanda

    7 sentyabr 2016

    Bakı, sentyabr 2016. ROSACOMETTA (www.rosacometta.com), sementdən tikinti blokları hazırlanması üçün nəzərdə tutulan avadanlıq və maşınlar istehsal edən ən əsas Avropa şirkətlərindən biridir.
    Ital Caspian, Azərbaycan bazarında öz ticari fəaliyyətini yaymaq istəyən italyan müəssisələrinə dəstək olan məsləhət şirkəti olaraq sözügedən İtalyan şirkəti üçün ekskluziv texnologiyalı avadanlıqların müxtəlif çeşidlərini Qafqaz ölkəsində tanıtmaq məqsədilə ikitərəfli görüşlər və təşviqat kampaniyalarını nəzərdə tutan birillik proqram həyata keçirəcək. ROSACOMETTA Gündə 700 element istehsal edən kiçik gücə malik (V.5.) avadanlıqlardan tam avtomatlaşdırılmış və 8 saatlıq müddətdə 30.000-dən artıq blok istehsal edə bilən avadanlıqlara qədər çox geniş çeşidli yüksək istehsal gücünə malik modellər təqdim edir. ROSACOMETTA şirkətinin avadanlıqlarının ən əsas xüsusiyyəti ondan ibarətdir ki, ən kiçik avadanlıqdan ən böyük avadanlığa kimi sadəcə olaraq bir ehtiyyat hissəsini dəyişdirməklə standart və ya sizin layihənizə uyğun bloklar istehsal etmək mümkündür. Məsələn, hərəkət etdirilən və ya hərəkətsiz divarlar, döşəmələr, xarici üzlüklər və müştərinin istəyinə uyğun hazırlanan digər bütün elementlər

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  • “Ital Caspian Business Consulting” and “100% Italia International Trade” ink commercial collaboration agreement for the development of joint activities in Azerbaijan in favor of SMEs in the area of the Province of Salerno

    8 iyul 2016

    Salerno and Baku, June 2016. “100% Italian International Trade” inked a cooperation agreement with “Ital Caspian Business Consulting” in order to implement, jointly, a project of assistance to Italian companies for export and import of a wide range of products to and from the Azerbaijani territory.
    “100% Italian International Trade” is a company that aims to promote international trade between companies in the agro-food and services sectors. The company, while maintaining its roots in the Campania region, today expands its activities and interests on the entire Italian national territory.
    “100% Italian International Trade” was founded, primarily, as a company specializing in the International Trade of food products with the intention to bring to the world the benefits of the typical products of the so-called “Mediterranean Diet”, among which stand out for their nutritional value :
    – Extra Virgin Olive Oil D.O.P Cilento
    – Dried and fresh pasta
    – High Quality Meats (also Halal)
    – Cheese D.O.P including buffalo mozzarella
    – Legumes
    – Pomodoro (Tomato) S. Marzano D.O.P
    – Famous Anchovies of the Amalfi Coast
    – Cilento Wine and of the Amalfi Coast
    The cooperation agreement reached with “Ital Caspian Business Consulting”, a leading consulting organization in the Azerbaijani market, deals with different sectors and provides the Italian companies with support to export products ranging from the food chain to the health sector, paramedic, equipment for diagnostics, radiology and cosmetics, plant and equipments for agriculture.
    The partnership between the two companies in the business consulting sector is considered a valuable contribution to the Italian and Azeri economies, able to further strengthen trade relations between the two countries.

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  • Ital Caspian for the event “FVTVRISMO ORA”, promoted by the Italian Embassy and organized by Centro Italiano in Baku

    3 iyun 2016

    From June to September 2016, Baku will host “Futurismo Ora”, a unique Art-Event, never held before, that has a very high cultural and educational value. Promoted by the Italian Embassy of Baku, organized by Azerbaycan-Italiya Assosiasiyasi and Centro Italiano Baku, the event is supported by Italian and Azerbaijani companies including Ital Caspian Business Consulting, that strongly believe in the importance of Culture as a vehicle of growth of a country, and of development of an healthy economy. Art direction of the event is curated by Paola Casagrande and Stefano Muscaritolo.
    “Futurismo Ora” is a multidisciplinary project based on Futurism, an important artistic movement, that characterized and heavily influenced Italy and several other countries since the early twentieth century, bringing innovation in all the arts, such as painting, sculpture, music, architecture, theater, cinema and even gastronomy.
    Students from major universities of Baku and young artists were invited in creating artistic works based on their own vision of the Future. More than 100 artists have joined the initiative. Their works will be presented during the opening ceremony on 7 June 2016 and exhibited from June to September 2016 at the exhibition

    space of Centro Italiano Baku. On September an international jury will award the best works.
    During the opening ceremony, that will be held in Lamborghini Showroom, an incredible musical performance will take place. A Lamborghini car will share the scene with a string orchestra rekindling the past, reinforcing the present, pushing the future!
    On June 2016, two important events will occur: The Italian National Day (June 2) and the Grand Prix Baku 2016 (June 17-19). “FVTVRISMO ORA” matches both events. From one side promotes the Italian Culture, raising awareness of a very important Italian Art Current which Futurism is, from the other side promotes the concepts of Technology, Speed, Future, enclosed in the general vision of Futurism, announcing the Gran Prix Baku 2016.

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  • (Italiano) Azerbaijan – Approvata la revisione del budget 2016

    26 fevral 2016

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